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Utilizing large, in-dash Pioneer LCD displays, Apple CarPlay featuring Siri® voice control gives iPhone users the features while allowing them to stay focused on the road. With Apple CarPlay, consumers with the latest version of iOS on their iPhone 5 or later, can use Siri to make and receive calls, compose and respond to text messages, use Apple Maps for navigation and listen to their music and podcasts. For more information about Apple CarPlay, visit www.apple.com/ios/carplay.
Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20160420/8521602518
For more information regarding Apple CarPlay compatible product availability by region, visit www.pioneer-carglobal.com/CarPlay.
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, April 29, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Pioneer Electronics AsiaCentre today announced the availability of Apple CarPlay in Malaysia. Accessible on three of their aftermarket in-dash car multimedia receivers-- AVH-X8850BT, AVH-X8750BT and AVH-X8650BT-- consumers now have the ability to upgrade the vehicle they already own, in order to enjoy a smarter, safer and more fun way to use iPhone® in the car. Apple CarPlay compatibility will be available for the three products in Malaysia now.
"Pioneer's years of expertise integrating smartphone connectivity into the automotive environment has provided us the opportunity to be among the first to offer Apple CarPlay to drivers," said Mr. Isao Nomura, Deputy General Manager for Business Planning and Marketing Division of Pioneer Electronics AsiaCentre. "By providing an aftermarket option, selected Pioneer's in-dash multimedia receivers (AVH-X8850BT, AVH-X8750BT and AVH-X8650BT) give many iPhone owners in Malaysia the ability to add Apple CarPlay to their current vehicles."
The regional headquarters of Pioneer Corporation since 1992, Pioneer's core business is in car audio visual. Pioneer aims to be a leading aftermarket manufacturer and supplier to leading car brands, providing comprehensive infotainment solutions for in-car, by developing next-generation devices and innovative cloud services for the growing connected car market. For more information, please visit www.pioneer.com.sg.
Apple, Apple CarPlay, the CarPlay logo, iPhone and Siri are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Pioneer Electronics AsiaCentre Pte. Ltd
About Pioneer Electronics AsiaCentre (PAC) Pte. Ltd.
iOS® is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.
PIONEER is a trademark of Pioneer Corporation.
NOTE: Read the operation manual as well as all instructions and cautions provided with compatible smartphone apps before use. Become familiar with any applicable state and local laws. Pay attention to the road, limit glances to the device, and do not use any feature if it cannot be operated safely in your location and environment. Distracted driving may result in serious injury, including death.
Hang Xiu Zhen | Ryan Lee | Pioneer Malaysia | +65 63787548 | +60 3 26972920 | 立智街英文補習班推薦Hangxz@pioneer.com.sg | Ryanleeok@pioneer.com.sg |
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